




For newspaper articles regarding Saide click here

Official Number Date Builder Tonnage L B D Fate
81984 1882

Ramage & Ferguson, Leith, UK

383 142.8 24.7 13.4 Unknown
Capt Colin McDonald - Master 1890 - 1894
  09.01.1894 - Sailed Teneriffe enjoying light S. W. and westerly winds to arrival in Plymouth.
  19.01.194 - Arrived Plymouth, 10 days out from Teneriffe having sailed 1461 miles.
  23.01.1894 - Sailed Plymouth under steam at 4 p.m.,
  24.01.1894 - Arrived South Hampton
  Saide was chartered by Capt Townley Parker to take passage to the Artic in search of the Wellman expedition.
  28.06.1894 - Sailed Tromsoe, Norway for Spitzbergen.
  They anchored In Advent Bay, Ice Fiord, for four days, partly to take in a supply of reindeer meat, and also by their finding the wreck of a Norwegian hunting vessel, two days being spent in hunting for traces of the shipwrecked crew.
  06.07.1894 - Arrived Smeerenburg Bay. The Launch was placed in the water and used to take passage to Danes Island.
  06.07.1894 - Sailed Smeerenburg Bay.
  Saide continued North encountering Polar pack ice at lat 80deg. lOmln N
  07.07.1894- a strong gale came up from the south-west, and the yacht was forced to take refuge in Smeerenburg Bay.
  08.07.1894 - While off Hakluyt's Headland, she fell in with the hunting smack Gjoa, Captain Hans Johannsen.
  15.08.1894 - The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York paid a visit of inspection at Cowes to Mr. C. Gibson Millar's steam yacht Saide. Their Royal Highnesses greatly admired the yacht.
  18.08.1894 - The Prince of Wales dined on board the Saide, the company including the Duke of York, the Marquis and Marchioness of Ormonde, Earl and Countess of Ashburton, and Sir Somers Vine.
  26.08.1894 - The Saide, with Mr. Millar, Sir Somers Vine, and Mr. Duncan Gillies on board, visited Deal, the party making a short stay with the Lord Chancellor, who was residing at Deal Castle.
  27.10.1894 - Rewards for bravery.-The medal of the Royal Humane Society has been conferred upon Norman
Furguson, Mate of the Saide, s.s., which is now at Southampton, and Charles Coldstadt and Herbert L. Davies, able seamen, for saving the life of a Japanese seamen belonging to the yacht who fell overboard during a heavy gale on the west coast of Australia on September 12, 1993. The conduct of these men was brought before the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York during the Royal Yacht Squadron week at Cowes, with the result that the facts were
placed before the Royal Humane Society, who, as above stated, have awarded them their medal.
1895 A notice from the Admiralty by Mr. Rouse, the hon, secretary of the Melbourne Royals, intimating that an application had been received front the secretary of the Royal Welsh Yacht Club for a warrant for the " Star of the Sea, late Saide," under the name of Major A, Finlay, and requesting that the original warrant, issued under the name of Mr. C. G. Millar, be returned to them. The vessel was on Sold to A.J. Cassatt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who renamed her Enterprise
  Vessel was registered with the New York Yacht Club until 1914

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