Arrived: Port Augusta
May 3
Steamer Argus (Archibald Currie's Australian and Indian line of steamers), 2,792 ions, C. McDonald, master, from Calcutta via Singapore, with 176 camels and 36 Afghans for Port Augusta, and a large number of passengers en route for other ports. Captain McDonald reports having left Calcutta on April 4, arrived Singapore on April 12 ; left on the afternoon of the 16th for Port Augusta direct. Fine weather was experienced up to Java Heads, which was passed at noon on the 18th ; thence strong head winds and high seas were experienced up to the 25th, when the weather moderated. Cape Leeuwin was passed on the 27th at 7 p.m. On the 28th strong head wind and northerly seas were encountered. In the after-noon wind shifted around to the south-west with heavy rain. A mail steamer bound west was passed on 29th at 1 am. Thence fine weather to the Neptunes, which were passed at 9 a. m. on Sunday, May 2. Fine weather and drizzling rain were experienced up the gulf until reaching Point Lowly at 3 o'clock this morning. Pilot Hughes was taken aboard here, and the steamer got under way again at daylight, reaching here at 1.45 a.m. Only two camels were lost on the voyage.
Arrived: Adelaide
May 5
Argus, steamer, 1,822 tons, C. McDonald, from Calcutta April 4, Singapore 15th, Port Augusta May 4. H. Muecke and Co., agents, City and Port. Passengers— Messrs. Workman, Clark, Norwood, West macott, Mrs. Miss, and Master Gascard, Mrs. Kerr and child, Mrs. Conway and child, Master and Miss Chester, (unreadable). Maggie Martin, Louise Norwood, Daisey Raymond, Messrs Kerr, Courtney, Kennedy, Catlow, Ainsley, May, and Grimes in the cabin, and 60 natives on deck.
May 6
Arus, steamer, 1,822 tons, Colin McDonald, for Melbourne. Passengers— Mrs. McDonald and child in the cabin, and original passengers en route. |