The Mercury, Thursday 17 October 1895, page 3
Albany, October 13
Lord Brassey has had a turbulent welcome to Australia. His well-remembered yacht the Sunbeam reached King George's Sound this morning in the height of a fresh south west gale, and showed by honourable scars the severe trial which she had just come through. A portion of the bulwarks on the starboard quarter was carrĀ”ed away, and though in her rigging the little vessel looked as trim as a man-of-war, the hull bore traces of heavy Weather, and she will need repainting at the close of the voyage. Those on board besides the crew are Lord and Lady Brassey, Mr. Henry (unreadable), an old friend of Lord Brassey's, and Dr. R, Morton, medical officer.
Lord Brassey, who holds a master mariner's certificate from the Board of Trade, sailed his yacht himself, being assisted by his navigating officer, Captain McDonald, formerly sailing master of Mr. C. G. Millar's steam yacht Saide. Captain McDonald, who joined the Sunbeam at Madeira, has many friends in Melbourne.
When the Sunbeam left Portsmouth on Saturday, July 20, she had on board the Hon. Thomas and Lady Brassey, both of whom, however, left the yacht at Falmouth ; also the Hon. Mrs. Egerton and Miss Street, both of whom left at Madeira,
and Lord and Lady Brassey's little daughter the Honourable Helen Brassey, three years of age, who joined at Madeira, and went ashore finally with her nurse at Capetown, and completed the journey to Melbourne in the steamer Damaicus.
The first land sighted on Saturday morning at daybreak was the Many Peaked Mountain, and Lord Brassey then laid a course for Albany, which was reached at 11o'clock. Captain Irvine, chief pilot, and Captain Britcher, Harbourmaster, boarded the Sunbeam at 10 o'clock, and brought her
in. She was moorod alongside the jetty, with the pennant of the Royal Yacht Squadron flying at the mizzen truck and the white ensign at the stern pole, and Lord and Lady Brassey received a visit from Mr, Tottie, Government Resident at Albany, on board the yacht, and afterwards came ashore during the afternoon. Lord Brassey proposes to visit his station, Eticup, 103 miles by rail from Albany, and has arranged to sail for Adelaide at daybreak on Wednesday. He expects to make
Largs Bay on Sunday next. He will stay over Sunday at Adelaide, and on Monday, the 2lst lnst., will sail for Melbourne, which
he expects to reach on Wednesday, 23rd inst. |